buildHtml baseUrl metaTags editButton /edit.html title Creative Portfolio - Web Developer style.css header class hero nav div John Doe class logo div class nav-links a Home href #home a Projects href #projects a Skills href #skills a Contact href #contact main section id home class intro h1 Hi, I'm John Doe p Creative Developer & Problem Solver div class social-links a GitHub href # class social-icon a LinkedIn href # class social-icon a Twitter href # class social-icon section id projects class portfolio-grid h2 Featured Projects div class project-card img Project 1 src images/project1.jpg alt E-commerce Website h3 E-commerce Platform p Modern shopping experience built with vanilla JavaScript div class project-card img Project 2 src images/project2.jpg alt Portfolio Design h3 Portfolio Template p Responsive portfolio website with smooth animations div class project-card img Project 3 src images/project3.jpg alt Weather App h3 Weather Dashboard p Real-time weather tracking application section id skills class skills-section h2 Technical Skills div class skills-container div class skill-category h3 Frontend ul li HTML5 li CSS3 li JavaScript div class skill-category h3 Tools ul li Git li VS Code li Webpack div class skill-category h3 Soft Skills ul li Problem Solving li Communication li Team Leadership section id contact class contact-section h2 Get In Touch form class contact-form div class form-group label Name input type text required true div class form-group label Email input type email required true div class form-group label Message textarea required true button Send Message type submit class submit-btn footer div class footer-content p Let's create something amazing together div class footer-links a Email href a GitHub href # a LinkedIn href # script.js